Our extensive network of candidates and our ability to effectively recruit them is derived from our reputation, credibility, discretion and the results we deliver. We take great care in understanding our candidates which gives them confidence that we are only contacting them with opportunities that serve their best interests. This has allowed us to continually expand upon our network of candidates giving our clients access to an elite pool of talent in every facet of the financial services industry.
At the start of each search process we obtain a comprehensive understanding of our client's needs. This includes an understanding of the corporate culture, as well as the specific business objectives.
An extensive research process provides clients with a viable list of potential candidates, a full understanding of the marketplace, and an overview of how their competition is staffed thus helping them understand all options available to them.
Interviewing the right candidate is only the beginning of the placement process. Our team goes a step further and negotiates on your companies behalf. Our closing techniques are sure to help you achieve a successful contract agreement that benefits both you and your future employee. After the contract is signed, we coach our candidates on the proper resignation process ensuring a smooth transition.